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John Walsh

Medical Intuitive 
Promoting health through energy readings 


My name is John, I am currently studying energy medicine with the Sage School of Light. I have been a student in the Sage School of Light for approximately 6 months now. So far we have studied meditation, and how to read soul colors, auras, and most recently chakras. In this program, we are learning to read energies by developing our clairvoyant abilities. The progress of myself and my classmates has been fast, and impressive. I am very excited about the remaining two years in this program.


Initially, I joined this program in order to help myself heal and cope with the day to day stresses of life. As the program progresses, I am seeing other options that I can pursue as my clairvoyant abilities improve. I am currently, seeing a wellness center which would house multiple energy healing modalities in one location. I have begun networking and have several people interested in being a part of this center. The modalities I see included in this wellness center include, energy medicine, acupuncture, ayurvedic medicine, yoga, chinese medicine (herbal medicine), reiki, and massage therapy.


Part of our training in the Sage School of Medicine includes learning how to manifest via meditation and visualization. As a result of this training, I have no doubt that this wellness center will become a reality and help many people.

What we offer

Intuitive Readings

Click below to book now

“I was very skeptical about getting my first reading but my good friend spoke very highly of John's readings. I couldn't believe how accurate my reading was! Purely life changing.”

Amber Robertson

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